SPLANCHNICS: The Society for the Preservation of Literature, the Arts, Numinosity, Culture, Humor, Nerdiness, Inspiration, Creativity & Storytelling

Breakfast Chat 6: Our Favorite Circles of Hell (Dante's Divine Comedy)

Clare Walker & Hannah Kubiak

Clare has been doing some light reading... of Dante's Inferno. 

The translation Clare's been reading is by Robert Hollander and Jean Hollander. The commentaries are A Beginner's Guide to Dante's Divine Comedy by Jason M. Baxter and Spiritual Direction from Dante: Avoiding the Inferno by Paul Pearson. She's also been referring to the Dorothy Sayers terza rima English translation. These books are all available in our Bookshop.org store, in the "Dante's Divine Comedy" section. If you purchase a book through our storefront, you'll get a discount, you'll be supporting independent book stores, AND you'll be supporting your favorite podcast from Hell...or something. Thank you for your support, and we hope you'll follow, subscribe and keep listening!

Music: "Prologue 2," by The Twilight. Listen to The Twilight on Soundcloud.

Music: "Splanchnics Riff" composed and performed by Clare T. Walker

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